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A cat RP forum based on the later books of the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.
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 Ripped's Character Test Page

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Master of Plots
Master of Plots

Current Cats: : Rippedsky of Skyclan, Dawnbreak of Skyclan, Shadowbreeze of Thunderclan, Brackenthorn of Windclan, Redwhisker of Riverclan
Mentors: : Ravenheart (NPC)
Posts : 81
Join date : 2018-05-29
Age : 27
Location : in the pit

Ripped's Character Test Page Empty
PostSubject: Ripped's Character Test Page   Ripped's Character Test Page EmptyMon Jun 04, 2018 12:42 pm

Here is where I tend to post and trial potential characters!

[center][font=Times New Roman][size=16][size=18][Insert Name Here][/size]
[b]Tom or She-cat:[/b]
[b]Potential Personality:[/b]

[u]Kit Test[/u]

[u]Apprentice Test[/u]

[u]Warrior Test[/u][/size][/font]

Last edited by Ripped on Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Master of Plots
Master of Plots

Current Cats: : Rippedsky of Skyclan, Dawnbreak of Skyclan, Shadowbreeze of Thunderclan, Brackenthorn of Windclan, Redwhisker of Riverclan
Mentors: : Ravenheart (NPC)
Posts : 81
Join date : 2018-05-29
Age : 27
Location : in the pit

Ripped's Character Test Page Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ripped's Character Test Page   Ripped's Character Test Page EmptyMon Jun 04, 2018 12:43 pm

Shadowbreeze [Alt: Nightbreeze]
Clan: Thunderclan or Windclan
Tom or She-Cat: She
Medium-length black and dark grey fur. She has bright eyes that stand out again her dark coat. Boasts a slim, yet muscular frame and an average build.

Ripped's Character Test Page Cat-silhouette-cats-silhouette-cat-s-eyes

Potential Personality: Self-assured, confidant, self-righteous, dedicated to the clan, strong-willed, and tough. As a warrior, Shadowbreeze is a formidable fighter. She has a cunning side that helps to give her the edge in battle. Her judgment and sharp mind can be clouded by her tendency to slip into what is best for her, and eventually, best for her kits.
Orgins: Probably NPC

Kit Test
Her eyes peered just around the side of the nursery wall that kept her shielded from the outside world. It seemed much more exciting out there. The little world of her, and her littermates at their mother's stomach alongside the other queens and kits was not fulfilling in the little she-cat's eyes. With a quick glance back at the sleeping frame of Sootmask, Shadowkit quickly determined that now would be a perfect time for discovery. No other kits had stirred at the side of the lithe queen. Perfect.

Within a moment, she was scrabbling over the side of the entrance and heading straight for the middle of camp. Everything was rather empty. Few sounds caused her ears to twitch. Maybe the warriors would be awake soon! Shadowkit whipped around excitedly as she considered the possibility of standing among the warriors as they prepared to go off and defend the territory. But, it quickly occurred to her that she had no idea what any of this was. Finally, another cat emerged. Without hesitation, her paws carried her towards the tom. He was huge!

"What?" Above her, the massive grey and white tom had to crane his head to see the scrap at his paws. Although, despite her age, Shadowkit had taken to growing fairly quick. Despite the confusion written on the warrior's face, a slow recognition came across his expression. Shock faded into something more stoic and near expressionless. Before she could chip in with a response, the low rumble of the cat hit her eardrums, "You look like her. I'm Stoneclaw. What's your name?"

Her jaw dropped almost instantly with realization. This cat was her father. She had never seen him before. Sootmask said he was a busy and strong warrior, one of Honeystar's most trusted. That was why he had never come to visit her or her siblings before. Shadowkit's tail twitched as she bounded a little closer, "I'm Shadowkit! Your kit! I'm going to be a warrior soon, just like you." A scoff came from Stoneclaw as he looked towards the den with an impatience obvious in his stare. Something that Shadowkit missed. Yet, she was still hit with the disappointment of his dismissal.

"Get back to the nursery now, kits aren't supposed to be out alone." And with that, he padded away leaving the little black and grey kit to stare after the retreating figure of her father.

Apprentice Test
"Watch it, mousebrain!" A low his broke from her chest as she felt a dull weight stumble into her shoulder. Icepaw had always been daft. If it were ever even a thought to harm a clanmate, there was no doubt that she would throw him into the lake. The bulky apprentice was never watching where he was going, nor able to control his paws when he even half-attempted. This was the fifth time on this patrol he had managed to cross her path. Shadowpaw's tail flickered with aggravation as she stared at him with a cold disdain. This was supposed to be a decent day. Hunting was fine, or at least Stoneclaw had muttered something about it being so earlier. Her father had returned with so much crammed between his jaws. She blamed Icepaw's crashing about for ruining their catch. Even the warriors had found little more than a sparrow.

Should have named him Boulderpaw... Shorting softly, she broke away from the group. Squirrel scent was there, but stale, barely clinging to the foliage around. Still, it was better than nothing. After a few moments of there still being no real sign of prey, a barrage of cursing flew from her maw. Although her lips pulled back in a snarl, the sounds were soft as not to disturb the forest. Just as her breathing began to slow and her sides nearly stopped heaving, an almost overpowering rustling caused her head to snap up. The first thought was 'badger', but she couldn't think anything more as she was barreled over. Rolling to the side, Shadowpaw let out a low snarl. Something landed on top of her and she did her best to throw it off. It took a moment for her to regain her bearings. The scent hit her and the almost dissipated anger returned full force.

Claws slid out and she wriggled out from under the mass of Icepaw. Within a moment, Shadowpaw was on top of him. The bulky tom was slow to react and did not have a chance to move before claws struck the side of his face. With fur bristling as she spit furiously at her denmate, the black cat looked to be near twice her normal size. With a low hiss, Shadowpaw moved closer to his face and tightly meowed, "I had said to watch it! Do you have no more sense than a pile of foxdung?" Icepaw, bewilderment, and embarrassment written over his face tried to stammer out a response. Before either of them could speak or move, teeth embedded themselves in Shadowpaw's scruff and she was dragged off. Some of Icepaw's fur was ripped out along with her claws.

"That's enough, Shadowpaw. Back to camp. Now." As she stood face to face with her mentor, Shadowpaw's ears fell. Any protests fell away as Feathersong fixed her with a serious look. She had just been trying to hunt and Icepaw messed it up! But, there was no arguing with the tabby warrior. Back to camp it was.

Warrior Test

"Y-you... but he was your mate."

Shadowbreeze snorted as he claws slid out into the earth and she took a step closer to Feathersong. Despite his age, the tom was still just a fool. Her eyes narrowed at him, considering the senior warrior for a moment. Once, he had been her mentor. Then, too, he was just as weak. Stoneclaw had never liked the tabby tom's soft ways and had been disappointed in the assignment. But to interject would have meant to get involved with his daughter's affairs, something her father felt he never had a place in. The thought caused her to hiss and her eyes snapped up as Feathersong shuddered visibly. First the stuttering and then the trembling. Truly pathetic. How had she never seen it until now?

"He was insufferable." Much like Feathersong, Sparrowpelt had been too concerned with doing what was supposedly right over what needed to be done. That softness did not deserve to bear kits, he did not deserve to raise her children. The memory caused her whiskers to twitch with disdain. It was a mistake to ever take him on as a mate. Thornshrike had shown her that right before the other tom's disappearance. She had realized what she had done before he was even gone and sought out solace in Thornstrike. It had been a blessing from Starclan when Sparrowpelt was kidnapped. Only to return shortly after the birth of their kits. Before their eyes had even open, her claws had sunk into his throat. Now, the memory caused little more than a grin to flicker across her face. It stayed there as she spoke, "Oh, Sparrowpelt, the great warrior. Always doing what he was told, little more. Do you know how dull it is to be sharing a nest with a cat who barely says a word?"

"H-honeystar won't let you get away with this." His maw trembled as he sputtered out the word. He tried to stand a little taller but with the overpowering fear that coupled with the disintegration of his joints, not much progress was made. In fact, as Shadowbreeze stalked towards him, close enough that he could feel her breath on his face, the once strong warrior backed up into the boulder behind him and his legs gave out. With widened eyes, he looked up at the cat who he had once trained. Watching it all had little effect on Shadowbreeze and she just let out a sharp laugh.

"Honeystar won't find out."

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